February 21, 2017 Meeting
Work/Life Balance – What’s Important to you?
Darlene Wilson asked of those in attendance, “what’s important to you?” What do you want to get done? To have balance in your life you must have first decided what is important at the moment. Once you know, you choose among the options provided. She stated that life occurs in stages and that everything is temporary. The choices you made today were based upon today’s reality. She detailed many of the issues we face today that contribute to our life imbalances. Among the issues she listed, she asked us to consider the impact of these.
- technology – we are always accessible
- lack of priority – everything is a crisis
- work schedule inflexibility – does the work have to be done between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM?
- lack of focus on the goal
She stated she opened her firm to address one major priority in her life, her son. She wanted to be involved directly in his life. Since that was the goal, she worked to determine how that goal could be achieved. The goal or life balance was achieved by implementing the following steps and adhering to them daily.
- Flexible schedule that gets the job done. Outline the work and schedule it. With fifty eight percent of the workforce today filled by women, flexibility is a necessity.
- Set boundaries – notify your clients when you accept phone calls, timeframe to return emails and stick to the schedule
- Learn to say no – only accept tasks that are crucial, fit your schedule and goals, don’t feel guilty
- Provide opportunities for women – assist other women achieve their life balance
Darlene’s tips and insights provided clarity and equipped us with assessment tools we can use daily.
Darlene Wilson founded “RAM Accounting, a division of DC Finance Management, LLC.” The firm has served the accounting needs of individuals and businesses through tax preparation, planning, bookkeeping, payroll accounting and business consulting. Her firm has received numerous awards and she was recently awarded the “2015 CEO Award – Small Business Division” by the Birmingham Business Journal.
Heart of Birmingham welcomes our Guests
Heart of Birmingham members welcomed guests during our networking time and formally introduced them during our meeting. Guests included Annie Allen, a close friend of the speaker, and Y. Faye Herron who found us via Facebook. Each guest received information about the chapter and ABWA. Y. Faye Herron decided to become a member.
Heart of Birmingham welcomes our newest member
Members welcomed our newest member, Y. Faye Herron, with enthusiasm and extended a round of applause. Welcome aboard Y. Faye!
Updates from our Business Meeting
- Kristie Curtis -Woman of the Year -2016-2017 – thanked everyone for the luncheon and expressed special thanks to Sara Cooley for the planning.
- Helen Shirley expressed gratitude for the kindnesses displayed by chapter members in the loss of her husband.
- Nancy Reed reported the results of the Boston Butt fundraiser to be $653.40.
- Sheryl J. Walker reported the membership committee will be meeting to plan the membership event.
- Helen Shirley will chair the 2017-2018 Woman of the Year committee with Sherrie Mauter and Lynda Lewis serving as committee members.
- Kristie Tucker reported on the successful trip to Talledega College to honor Antonio Rucker.
- Veronica Wallace reported on the “new member notebook” project.
- Bunco date is May 19, 2017 and an event planning meeting is scheduled for March 18, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Tutwiler.
- District I & IV Regional Conference dates are 4/20 -4/22, 2017 in Naples, Florida. The deadline is approaching for early bird discount registration fees. Currently we have six members interested in attending. Questions were asked as to how much the chapter would be contributing to the fees for the members. This will be discussed as an item for the next meeting after reviewing the budget.
- Biz Mentoring Monday is April 3, 2017. Members were asked to mark their calendar and volunteer for the event.
Women of the Year Celebration Luncheon
Our 2016-2017 Women of the Year, Kristi Curtis, was honored at a luncheon at Macaroni Grill on February 18, 2017. Friends and family met to celebrate her accomplishments and contributions to the Heart of Birmingham Chapter. Special guests in attendance were her daughter and several family members.
Currently Kristi is serving as the chapter’s Vice President, Facebook editor, newsletter contributor and serves as an advisor to the Membership Committee. Her talents are a great asset to the chapter.
Congratulations Our 2016-2017
Woman of the Year!
Honoring Talledega student – Antonio Rucker
Several members of the Heart of Birmingham Chapter traveled to Talladega College to honor Antonio Rucker. Members in attendance were Kristi Tucker, Sara Cooley, Bell Rogers and Veronica Wallace. It was a special day for Antonio and a very special day for our chapter. The pictures below illustrate just how special this day was for those in attendance as well as for the Heart of Birmingham Chapter.
Upcoming Events
- North Jefferson Girl Scouts/Life Skills – March 25, 2017 – committee chair Lynda Lewis
- ABWA District I & IV Spring Conference – Naples Florida – April 20 -22, 2017
- Spring Recruitment Campaign – April 29, 2017 at the Viva Café
- Biz Mentoring Monday – April 3, 2017 – Ross Bridge Resort and Spa
- Bunco Event – May 19, 2017 – Tutwiler Hotel
Contributing editors Kristi Curtis and Carol Skelton