Meeting November 21, 2017
We extended a special welcome to our guest and speaker Brooke Patterson. Ms. Patterson served the IRS as a tax attorney for ten years. Retiring from the IRS, she started a new adventure as a business owner and a foster parent. Her topic, “How Online Retailing and Social Commerce has created opportunities for business owners” was current and entertaining. She detailed her journey from practicing law to starting her business in skin care. She emphasized how social media had allow her to launch her business and maintain it. She offered practical tips and techniques that can be employed by every business owner to keep their business top of mind with your customers and create customer loyalty. She stated that today’s shopper is very different from the shoppers of the past. Emphasizing that shoppers start the selection process online and marketing efforts need to include social media and a strong online presence. Her insights and suggestions were timely, practical and when executed consistently yield benefits for your customers and your business. If you haven’t started using social media as part of your marketing efforts, start now!
The business meeting was called to order by our president Kristie Curtis, who then called for reports from the various officers and committee chairs.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report was tabled for approval as Ms. Lewis was not present to take minutes at the October meeting. Minutes were taken but had not been put into report format.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was presented for review. The candle sales netted $ 400.00. It was also stated that fund raising efforts had to be a priority. Sarah Cooley made a motion that the Treasurer’s report be filed for audit. Bell Rogers seconded the motion and the motion passed
Committee Reports:
- Hospitality: No reports.
- Fund Raising: Details of the planning meeting for the spring fund raising brunch and membership drive were presented. The event is scheduled for March 2018 either March 3rd. or March 10th. Members were referred to follow up with Carol on pecan sales.
- Professional Development: A Christmas dinner will be held instead of a regular meeting in December. The dinner will be at Pappadeaux on Highway 280, December 19, 2017. Please notify Kristie and Veronica if you plan on attending so reservations can be made.
- Publicity/Website/Facebook: People are reviewing our website and we need to continue boosting events on Facebook when possible.
- Recruitment/Membership: No report was presented, however Ms Sheryl Walker told the group that due to personal reasons that she preferred not to disclose, she is tendering her resignation as a member of the group
New Business:
- Supplies: Lynda Lewis is to check on pricing for ABWA labels to place on bottles of water and etc. for handouts.
- Remarks: President Curtis reminded everyone that due to the Chapter’s budget balance, we need to be mindful of the costs and have everyone work on fundraising.
With no other business to discuss, we adjourned in prayer.
Highlights from the Alabama Council ABWA Meeting, November 4, 2017.
The Alabama Council ABWA meeting convened at the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham, Alabama. The Birmingham Charter Chapter and the Heart of Birmingham Chapter hosted the event by presenting a panel discussion focusing upon the unique challenges women face in the workplace. We were honored to have two very successful women in the city serve as our panelists for the event. Katrina Cade and Amy Templeton each presented info referencing the challenges they had faced in their careers and how they used the experiences to hone their skills and achieve goals. Each of the panelists answered questions presented by our members. Insights were gained as suggestions and strategies were presented. It was a fun event with everyone participating in lively discussions.
Our keynote speaker was Carolyn Parks, past District I Vice President, Chair of the ABW Foundation and friend to the Alabama Council. Her speech was inspiring, enthusiastic and motivating. ABWA is very important to Carolyn!
Carol Skelton presented Quinzetta McCray with her 2017 Alabama Council Woman of the Year certificate and trophy.
Additional pictures from the event.
Women supporting Women!
Mark your Calendar
Let’s all support our small businesses. What a great way to purchase for Christmas!