Meeting September 19, 2017
We extend a special welcome to our guests: Ashley Denmark and Cynthia McIntosh.
Our speaker was introduced by President Curtis. Ashley Denmark is the co-founder of Denmark Properties, LLC. Denmark Properties specializes in buying, selling and renting homes in Birmingham. They love helping first time home buyers as well as experienced owners achieve the home of their dreams. Ashley and her husband (co-founder) offer sound solutions to purchasing a home. They are empowered to help families live the American Dream.
Ashley thrilled and entertained us as she detailed the journey she and her husband took as they purchased their first rental property in 2009. She presented the experience with humor and multiple insights into how they started. With the success of the first property, they have continued to purchase properties, rehab them, rent them or market them to prospective buyers. Soon they realized they were a viable company presenting a valuable service to homeowners in the community. She shared her insights as to how one could start investing in real estate. Her personal story detailed the rewards and pitfalls they experienced and offered insights that we all found to be valuable.
President Curtis called our Business Meeting to order and requested reports from the various committees and chairs.
Secreatry’s report: Ms. Lewis presented the August Minutes, two changes were noted. Ms. Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes with the noted changes. The motion was seconded and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Mrs Anderson presented the Treasurer’s Report in written form. She stated the overall budgetary need for the year was $8,000. Sara Cooley made a motion that the Treasurer’s Report be filed for audit. Bell Rogers seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Committee Reports;
- Hospitality: Updated hospitality guidelines were distributed to members for review.
- Fund Raising: Ms. Anderson suggested the chapter sell candles as a fundraiser this year as well as pecans over the holiday season. The chapter would have to guarantee to sale at least three cases. The profit margin for each candle is very good as well. Price for the candles will be $20. A recommendation was made to partner with a local chapter to sponsor a gala or ball. Tickets would be priced at $35 per person, have various caterers sponsor by agreeing to furnish the food etc., and any funds obtained by a silent auction or direct donations would go straight to the charity that we were co-partnering the event. President Curtis is to review the guidelines to see what would be allowed under the ABWA guidelines and charter.
- Professional Development: Bell is working on speakers for the remainder of the year.
- Publicity/Website/Facebook: Carol stated that everyone should update their profile on the ABWA website, including picture. We need to use Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. In addition it was recommended that the cost to boost the chapter on Facebook be approved for $120.00. Sandra recommended creating a chapter page on LinkedIn and would like pictures to post to keep an online presence, we have limited exposure and we need someone to post items from their phone.
- Recruitment/Membership: Sara needs names and addresses for mailing invitations to events. To enhance membership, it was suggested that we set up booths at various events in Birmingham. Members could team up and each team would be required to run the booth for a certain number of hours that day. We will be analyzing the cost of printing brochures and maybe labels for water, etc. and possibly tee shirts Lynda Lewis is to check on pricing for ABWA labels to go on bottles of water, etc. that we could hand out as we manned booths.
Other Business:
National Conference: President Curtis wanted to know how many were attending the National Conference and reminded everyone that the color chosen by Heart of Birmingham was purple.
Event Calendar:
- Fall Membership Drive: A date needs to be selected as well as a theme for the membership drive which is during the months of September through December 2017.
- Giving Tuesday: A reminder, Giving Tuesday is November 28th.
- Christmas Party: We need to determine the community service event we want to participate in as part of our Christmas celebration. Last year we did “Toys for Tots.
The meeting was adjourned in prayer.